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Surfing  // Browsing posts in Surfing

Pukas + Tecnalia = Surfing + Technology

Surfing is still a sport governed by feelings. The driving forces behind this joint project, PUKAS and TECNALIA, aim to “turn feelings into facts and figures” and provide as yet unquantified data that can be directly applied to improve the features of surfboards, the technical performance of surfers and/or measurement of parameters during competition.

Click Here to go to the website.

Wavegarden – The Site is LIVE

Man-made wave simulates an ocean break

Instant Engineering Company presents Wavegarden®. Our vision gives people of all ages and surfing levels the ability to enjoy a beach environment and a real surfing experience…beyond the oceans of the world. Wavegarden’s cutting edge technology allows for the creation of a broad and customisable range of authentic surfing waves in a safe and natural environment. This cost effective and environmentally friendly wave generation technology is now available to the public and for the first time makes economically-viable inland wave sports and lifestyle facilities possible.

Click Here to go to the website.

21 Feb Film, Surfing | Comments

Billabong Odyssey – Mike Parsons

Mike Parson’s 70ft wave from the opening scene of the Billabong Odyssey…IncredibleJust thought I’d share!!!

15 Feb Film, Surfing | Comments

Soul Surfer – The Bethany Hamilton Movie

I’m looking forward to seeing this one…What a great comeback she has had!!!

Check out Bethany Hamilton’s Website

The Quiksilver In Memory Of Eddie Aikau

If you want to see people almost drown, visit your local municipal pool on the 4th of July. If you want to see a few select water warriors paddle out taking on Mother Nature in a game of “who can hold it together, while having a mountain of water slam the life out of them” – keep your eyes on Quiksilver’s In Memory of Eddie Aikau website. The waves have to be of worthy size to run the event. Right now, there’s a storm a brewin that, according to my inside sources at Quik, could go down as early as the 20th of this month. I was there last year for this truly awesome event. It was nothing short of magical. Come on … tickets are not even expensive to Hawaii right now … and this is history in the making.